Think Clean Series – What’s This All About?
Have you found yourself at a property and discovered something that needed cleaning? Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt, Jr. has. “There is nothing worse than driving up to show a property to a prospective tenant and finding a dirty condition. Actually the worst part is failing to have anything to clean it with.” Lamar has found that bringing along a few cleaning items can mean the difference between a new tenant and more showings. “With two minutes and the right cleaning supplies, your prospect will never know the difference. And if you close the lease, no more showings which will then give you more time to run your business.” Look for more posts under this series as we go over the supplies to carry with you. For more great tips, see our blog athttps://lorettoproperties.com/. Also, you can call 913-236-2902 if you have a home to sell.