The Latest Scam: Leasing Your Property – Part Two
Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt Jr. has seen a lot in his real estate investing years and he knows it’s hard enough to make money in real estate without having to deal with scams and crooks. In Part One of this series, we explained how a con artist will lease a vacant home that is not his to unsuspecting tenants. The result is chaos for all parties. This latest scam has not hit Lamar yet but it has hit his fellow real estate investors. So how do you prevent it from happening to you? First, for any tenants looking at your property always get some identification and make a record of it before the showing. Con artists don’t like doing that. Also, take a photo of them so they know that you have a record of them being there. The scammer won’t want to hit your property if you have a photo of him to give to authorities. Next, once a week check Craigslist for your street and possibly address and see if there are any listings on your property that you didn’t put in. Finally, check your property frequently for any activity. Perhaps if there is a friendly neighbor you can ask them to let you know if they see any activity or people moving in to your property. The faster you discover the scam the quicker you can catch the criminal and put him in his own big house. Always remember to stay alert. For more information like this, see our blog athttps://lorettoproperties.com/. You can also call us at 913-236-2902 if you have a property to sell.