Handy Tool Kit Series – Level
The average home handyman or Mr. Fix-it dramatically under-uses a level. You can always tell an experienced handyman from an inexperienced one. The level is one of the distinguishing factors. Why? Because most handymen simply eyeball their work and pronounce it good. For example, when installing a curtain rod, they will pull a dimension from the ceiling and never consider the possibility that the ceiling is not level. Thus, when the curtain is hung, they will discover that one side touches the ground and other side does not. Or when they hang pictures, they will eyeball them. Finally, for appliances especially refrigerators, they will not adjust the legs to level so the ice maker water runs off properly without spilling on to the floor behind it. This sets you up for problems later on. The level is necessary for a rental manager or rental property owner because you need to check the work of the contractors. When they are done, pull out a level and check the appliances and other items mentioned above to ensure you are getting what you are paying for. As Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt Jr. says, “A good level identifies crooked work.” For more real estate tips on your handy tool kit like this one, see our blog at https://lorettoproperties.com/. You can also call us at 913-236-2902 if you have a property to sell.