Good Today But……

You have this really good contractor.  He works hard, shows up on time and is very trustworthy.  You feel lucky to have him.  Then one day, his performance suffers, he starts showing up late then perhaps not at all.  Eventually and usually too late, you stop using him.  What happened? Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt Jr. has experienced this.  “Sometimes, the contractor is doing such good work that he gets overloaded with clients.  He cannot service all those clients so some clients start to suffer.  The long term clients may suffer the most because he feels he has them in the bag.  It’s unfortunate but true.”  Lamar has also seen the case when the contractor starts to get a little jingle (translation:  money) in his pocket.  Suddenly, the new truck gets purchased and it’s now hauling the jet ski trailer to the new lake house he is buying.  There is nothing wrong with a person enjoying the fruits of his work until it starts affecting his work.  Then it becomes a problem.  The best way to make sure you minimize the risk of this problem arising is to be vigilant on all your contractors both long-time and short-time.  Also, make sure you have more than one contractor in each trade so if one fails, you have a backup.  This will also keep them on their toes when they know they can be replaced.  Today’s good contractor does not always mean he is tomorrow’s good contractor.  For more real estate tips, see our blog at  You can also call us at 913-236-2902 if you have a property to sell.