Good Record-Keeping Equals Less Problems

Good record-keeping is the foundation to running a real estate business.  To Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt, Jr., good record-keeping starts off a property the right way and keeps it headed in a positive direction.  “Having a great system for filing your records is so important.  Being able to quickly lay your hands on the right document will save you time and of course, money.  From the closing documents to utility information to a complete file on your renter, your record-keeping system can keep you out of trouble.”  It is also vital for tax filings each year.  Being able to prove to the state or IRS your actual costs again saves money and time.  “We had an emergency issue once and it was real nice being able to quickly find the tenant’s contact information to ensure the problem was solved with minimal cost.”  Think about your record-keeping system before you have to think about your records.  For more great tips, see our blog at  Also, you can call 913-236-2902 if you have a home to sell.