Elbow Grease and the Lease
You have prospective tenant coming to look at your house so you arrive a few minutes before the tenant and begin opening up the house. You turn on the lights, the air or heat, and make sure everything is fine. But to your surprise, you discover some dirty hand prints on the countertop or some other messy condition. Then the doorbell rings. Too late. Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt Jr. knows there can be a thin greasy line between a tenant deciding to lease the property or deciding it does not work for them. “We like to get there more than a few minutes early just for this type of circumstance.” Lamar and his staff carry a cleaning kit which we have detailed previously in the Think Clean Series. When they arrive at the property, they immediately look for any dirty condition. If they find one, they head to their car and grab the cleaning supplies. If it is really bad such as a toilet used but not flushing or something else that cannot be cleaned quickly, they will call the tenant and cancel. “It is much better to cancel and inconvenience the prospect and risk losing them rather than show them the property and lose them for sure.” The Loretto Properties staff knows that some elbow grease can equal a lease. For more real estate tips, see our blog at https://lorettoproperties.com/. You can also call us at 913-236-2902 if you have a property to sell.