Disaster Planning Series – Part Two: Floods
Thinking about a disaster before it happens is important for anyone and that includes landlords and tenants. Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt Jr. wants not just his tenants to be prepared but anyone reading this post. Floods are a big potential disaster that kill many Americans each year. The first part of thinking about any disaster including a flood is to prepare. You must know if your property is in a flood zone. Contact your landlord and check out http://www.freeflood.net/ for your flood risk. Next, check out your county’s website for evacuation routes and make copies for each member of your family. Also, post emergency phone numbers at each one of your phones. Then look at the electrical risks around your house and property and know how to turn off your electricity. An obvious task it to make sure you have fire extinguishers along with a first aid kit and plenty of drinking water in case you are stranded. Other items to consider are insect repellant, rubber boots and medicine including your special needs people. Finally, a radio with batteries is a must because the electricity will likely go out. Think about a flood before you see the water rising. For more stories like this, see our blog at https://lorettoproperties.com/. You can also call us at 913-236-2902 if you have a property to sell.