Disaster Planning Series – Part Six: Extreme Heat
Heat can be a big problem for both landlords and tenants not only from a comfort standpoint but damage to property and injury to people. Founder/Managing Partner Lamar Hunt Jr. grew up in Dallas, Texas so he knows a thing or two about heat. The most important aspect of heat is to avoid injury to yourself, elderly adults and children. By staying inside and staying hydrated with plenty of water, you can avoid most of the problems with extreme heat. However, temperatures can rise inside so making sure before your hot season begins that your system is operating properly is critical. Schedule a maintenance check from a reputable company in the spring before hot weather comes. Make sure the air filters are changed every three months to avoid clogging up the coils. If you have to be outside, wear loose breathable clothing as well as a large hat to block out the sun. Sunscreen will help minimize skin damage. As for property, watching the foundations for movement or drying out is key to avoiding structural damage. Check the weather-stripping around doors and sills to keep cool air in. And don’t forget your pets as they can quickly become overwhelmed with heat. Ensure they always have a shady cool spot to stay and plenty of water available. Don’t forget to use your common sense when planning for extreme heat. For more stories like this, see our blog at https://lorettoproperties.com/. You can also call us at 913-236-2902 if you have a property to sell.